Friday, July 21, 2006


How to save a lot of money on your mortgages

Most, if not all of us, dream of having a large, comfortable house that we can live in and in which
we can retire.
Now if you don't belong to the upper-class you may have a problem coming 
up with the money and that's when a motrgage comes in handy. Now you may possible have to pay for them for many years to come. But there is a way to pay off your mortgages quicker and thus save time and money and yourself a lot of stress: the "Accelerated Payment Clause". Almost all mortgages have this built in. It helps, since it allows you to pay more than the minimum amount of your monthly mortgage payment. If you pay more than the minimum, you will save a lot of money on interest charges. If you save up some of the earnings from your job and use them to pay off the mortgage, you'll be able to retire the mortgage a lot earlier, thus saving yourself a lot of money!This works best by being consistent with the amount of money that you pay on your monthly mortgage Changing the amount of monthly repayment of the mortgage will  also have an effect on the amount that you will actually save.

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